The first time I tried Gears of War, was a few months after I started playing Xbox 360. I played Gears of War 2, and it was difficult as f***, so I gave up. Did a few Hordes every now and then with my fiancé, though.
Now, I've been playing X360 for about two years (2 years in December, to be exact), and I am starting to get good at it. So with my fiancé's obsession over Gears of War 3, naturally I had to try it out too. Yesterday, the day it came out. While he was at work. Probably the dumbest thing I have ever done, because I finished the campaign yesterday as well. On the easiest difficulty, mind you. Sweet Jesus, I am not looking forward to completing it on the hardest.
But seriously. The game kicks a**. I've read a few reviews on the game, and most of them seems to think that the characters have too many stupid comments throughout the game. Personally, I love those comments. In the middle of a heated battle against the Lambent, when I heard Dom cry out "You destroyed my tomatoes!" then kill the thing... I laughed. Hard. Or Marcus' "You came between Dom and his crops, colonel - this better be good." Yes, their lines are as dry as ever, but they're supposed to be just that. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been Gears of War.
The second part that makes the game so good, is the soundtrack. I can't help it. Steve Jablonsky nails the music, and makes the game as epic as it can get.
The third part....
SPOILER ALERT!F*** yeah, Carmine!! My vote counted for something!
So yeah, to sum it up...
The story is okay - it's an action game, so not much is expected. But action you get - and it's awesome. The characters are cool. The graphics are amazing. The music is fantastic! And my favourite part of it all - Beast Mode and I get to play female characters! Queen Myrrah ftw!
I'm a Gears of War fan now. Since yesterday, I have gotten 26 achievements on this game. More than half. So I've updated my
Achievement Progress page and the
My Videogames page. I have both the two first games. Guess what I'll be playing until
Modern Warfare 3 is released?