Saturday, September 10, 2011

Modern Warfare 2 - Complete!

I'm a gamer, and my favourite game must be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Simply because it was the first FPS I ever tried, and the reason I play FPS today.

The title does lie a little, though. What I mean is that I have finally reached 100% on this game. When the news of Modern Warfare 3 was revealed, my goal was to complete MW2 before the release of MW3. And now I have. 50 out of 50 Achievements, and 1000 out of 1000 Gamerscore. F*** yeah!

But I still haven't completed the game. I'm only on 5th prestige out of 10 on the multiplayer, so I do have some more hours ahead. And to think of all the titles and emblems I have to earn as well, I'm looking at a lot more hours. Not only a few. But that's good!

I'm only missing 5 Achievements on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare as well. But despite me trying, I don't think I'll be able to complete those before MW3. COD4 is insane on Veteran difficulty! Or am I the only one thinking that?

Oh, well. It wouldn't be fun if it was too easy either.

x o x o

1 comment:

  1. SV: Haha, liker du ikke den filmen, altså? Synes den er skummel som fy jeg.. :P
