And I hereby promise that the rest of my money will be spent on Christmas gifts to others, not myself. I swear!

My two new piercings are the two on the top of my ear, btw. I've been wanting to do it for years, but never gotten around to do it. Now I did. Yay, me!
(Please ignore the rest of me. I just got inside from the wet and cold outdoors, and I didn't bother with fixing up for one lousy photo of my new piercings. So yeah... Look at the piercings! Ignore the rest.)

Been wanting it ever since it got out, but once again... I never got around to buy it. Last Christmas gift for myself, I swear! Now I'll just wish for Halo: CE Anniversary and The Old Republic for Christmas.
Oh, boyfriend ~ <3
And that was today's update.
Now I'll be eating some food and watching a couple more episode of Prison Break.
I love that show. Pure genius.
Signing out!
x o x o
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