Good news is that the plastic tint works wonders. It makes the visor way darker - almost black - and as long as it's light outside it reflects the view from the outside. I tried taking some pictures and it looked really cool.
Bad news is that it's f***ing difficult to get it on right. The way it is now, the plastic is all messed up on parts of the visor. I thought it looked kind of nice, though. It made the visor look sort of cracked and damaged. But then again, it's supposed to be a Mandalorian. No way they would let their visor remain damaged, right? So yeah, I guess I'll give it another go.
I tried with one piece of plastic first. Didn't work at all. So I have two pieces now; one across the entire "eye-part" and one down the "nose-part". (Yeah, I'm really good with words.) Next time I'll use three pieces. One for each side on the "eye-part". I think it will be easier to straighten out.

Yeah, see what I mean about that f***ed up part?
But on the other hand, that reflection effect is kind of cool, right!?
Oh well. At least I've tried. And now I know what does not work. Time to try something else.
And still no word about my money... It's driving me insane. I want to get on with this costume! I want to at least get started on the bucket. But nooo, the system has to be as slow as ever... *insert rage noise here*
x o x o